THE GREEN LOUNGE - Break area design board

When the client told me “For this break area, design a place where you would spend your time” I immediately thought a garden. Therefore, I designed a space where people, plants and furniture could join each one with their own strong identity. I hope you will enjoy my perspective!

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> ”Shortwave” chair design by @dieselliving produced by @morosofficial ⁣
> PANTONE 2438 C⁣
> Fiddle leaf fig ⁣

The interior concept bases on round shapes combined to orange-blue color scheme. These elements describe the company’s logo and demonstrate as well the inclusiveness of employees and guests. ⁣

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> ”Barry” table design by @gillesalain produced by @miniformsofficial
> PANTONE 1815 C⁣
> PANTONE 2438 C⁣

It is difficult to describe the way I choose greenery. It is like a silent communication that I establish with plants!

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> Maranta Red Prayer Plant⁣

I find an incredible strength in black lines. They define limits, protect and highlight what usually would be plain and meaningless. ⁣

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>”New Decorations ND3” tiles by @madeamano
>”Mastea” design by @matteozorzenoni produced by @miniformsofficial
> “Mondo” floorlamp design by @antoniofacco produced by @oblure_official

I love the interpretation of light as a magic energy. It coherently represents the existential questions that engaged human beings from the beginning. ⁣

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> ”Proton Cone” pendant lamp design by @pietrorussodesign produced by ⁣

There are art pieces and artists that touch your soul more than others and that become your guide. ⁣

“The circular shape, I feel, generates a feeling of endlessness” Olafur Eliasson

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> “Color Experiment Painting #4” by @studioolafureliasson
>”New Decorations ND3” tiles by @madeamano

I re-defined the break area as an immersive experience. “Lounge” comes ⁣from the French “s'allonger” meaning "to lounge about, lie at full length". ⁣

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> ”Lem” sofa design by Francesco Beghetto produced by @miniformsofficial ⁣
> ”Cigales” plant stand design by @paoloandcappello produced by ⁣@miniformsofficial ⁣
> PANTONE 7705 C wall color ⁣

Among other things, the outlines of sofas speak about their use, like having a drink, and the whole interior set should speak the same. ⁣

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> ”Lem” sofa design by Francesco Beghetto produced by @miniformsofficial ⁣
> ”North” pendant lamp design by @studiobesaumarguerre produced by ⁣@e15furniture
> PANTONE 7705 C wall color ⁣

There are a million ways to install elements in a set, but there are very few ones to express the overall harmony. ⁣

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> ”Lem” sofa design by Francesco Beghetto produced by @miniformsofficial ⁣
> ”North” pendant lamp design by @studiobesaumarguerre produced by ⁣@e15furniture
> Trascentia tricolor⁣
> PANTONE 551 C wall color⁣